It is a price issue, not a quality issue; I should have probably also said that I rarely keep a laptop or pc for more than 2 years.
It is a price issue, not a quality issue; I should have probably also said that I rarely keep a laptop or pc for more than 2 years.
It is a price issue, not a quality issue; I should have probably also said that I rarely keep a laptop or pc for more than 2 years.
lol... I havn't used my ps3 in over a year for anything other than watching blurays. Ebay is gonna get flooded with PS3's... oh, wait, who is going to buy a vaio anyway? Lots of better options for the price... not that Sony PC's suck, but they are way overpriced IMO.
haha... Really though, not very. Sad for him. And the people who pay taxes in the state he is currently living in.
image, fail.
I have a buddy that got into drugs and robbed a bank about 14 years ago... spent 12 years in jail. Got out, got back into drugs, robbed another bank... I guess if Facebook is still around and he remembers his password, I will hear from him again in 22 years. Note to anyone who cares, robbing a bank while on heroin…
Actually, a lot of companies still do this...they don't have a different calendar, they just break up the year in 28 day segments to gain additional revenue or better track revenues. For examlple, advertising companies use it by selling 28 day segments; thus gaining an additional "month" of revenue.
I just wonder how many PC's they sold today? 1,000,000? I gotta think a shit ton regardless. And, I am willing to bet, that when they unveil the iPhone 5 (or new iPhone), they first say how many pc's they sold in the first week after wwdc.
your final sentence was my entire (be it sarcastic) point... I say there are tied, because I love my iPhone and my friends with Androids love their phones. Regardless of their options, design cues, ui, maps, or apps (as for apps, if they are not useful, I don't have them, I have maybe 20 to 25 apps on my phone, all…
So, basically you are saying it is a tie? Probably right... but wait? If it is all the same, and I love my iPhone, and others love ICS Androids, but only like 5-10% of Androids are 4.0, does the tie breaker go with iPhone? Shit, ios 6 isn't even out, F-Bomb, so does that mean that 4.0 takes it? Oh yeah, neither…
Antlers plus skateboarders = Tosh.0
Apparently this is the underside of the urchin; my guess lifted off of the sea floor and it freaked out; and it is not actually in the process of dying. The author at NewScientist wrote,
that or she is pissed at how much my dad golfs and has found a way to get back at him...
lol... When I bought my mom an iPad 2, I got her an Otterbox case. The thing feels like it weighs 10 lbs, but it is still not broken (6 months). Considering the other things she has broken in the same time frame, I am glad I did; touchpad, 5 phones, two remotes, and a pc. 2 of the phones, one of the remotes, and…
Facetime over 3g... Mothers around the world just started crying tears of joy. I wonder how many people are going to FT while driving?? New horror stories of, "We were talking and I watched as he was crushed." They should make it impossible to FT in a moving car. Maybe integrate FT with their maps and…
crap, that works?? fml I am an idiot.
Damn... I guess that means my home iPad (1) will only still be good for email and Angry Birds, and news. Thank god the other ones will have a new purpose... Until I have to buy the new small one, with ios 6, which I will use for email and Angry Birds, and news. The real question for me, is whether I will be able to…
@neiltyson gaffes, thinks character Meredith Vickers is real person actually named Charlize Theron.. also, he is still tying to figure out how Uma Thurman is able to draw squares in the air without alien technology.
Easy there tiger... Me thinks someone has hit a nerve. Admit it... Your that guy spamming his friends aren't you? "Just got my hair cut at #supercuts, Joe is THE BEST!", "At #Starbucks, got a latte, cashier was sooooooo cute, asked for her phone number and @NancyB (my girlfriend of course) slapped my shoulder. #Sorry…