
lol... I have a buddy that just moved to China from South Korea (which I think he said is the "Land of the Dawn"). In one of his emails, he joked that a lot of company names written in English had "Rising Sun" in them, especially trading companies; which he found odd ala Japan is the "Land of the Rising Sun." But he

Designer: Hello, is this the Chain Mail of the Rising Sun's Sales Department?

I have heard that as well... If there was a time stamp, that would be helpful; especially when group messaging multiple Anroid users as there replies can get lost or read out of order.

2 year contract, from phone bought 1 year ago... not free... but still, you are correct. BUY AN iPhone NATE.

Big issue with group messages... from iPhone users they work perfectly, but Android user replies don't show up in the "group." So either put a time stamp on incoming messages or get with goggle and figure out how to recognize group replies.

Amazing... Sadly, I imagine that due to the all the drug cartel killings, arms are in good supply in Mexico right now.

Hey Boomsticktmo, you got a star.

Pregnant ladies get away with everything! Why just the other day I was at a bar drinking with a chick who is pregnant, after like our 5th shot, she was like, "Why don't we go back to your apartment?" So we catch a cab back to my place, and then she was like, "You're gonna get the fare right?" I was like, WTF? I

you know... it's only the female mosquito that bites. Coincidence, I think not.

Consumer reports killed me with the name of this page/magazine. Put spaces in to try and prevent auto link

Falling down the side of a mountain with 86lbs of metal and batteries strapped to your feet… hmmm, it might be better to start hanging out with those crazy Russians at the top of a tower... that is pretty badass though.

Alright you Primitive Screwheads, listen up! You see this? This... is my boomstick! The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about a hundred and nine, ninety



very interesting... how about in restaurants?

btw... just looked back at the pic and noticed that the pot lookes perfectly flat with a hard cornered edge from the bottom to the sides (vs rounded)... That looks like a pot desgined for use on an induction range (to promote even cooking/warming). So, I guess I am saying you are proabbly 100% correct about the

Induction and electric are a lot different... Induction is much cooler than electric because you to say, "I got big magnets in my range". Electric ovens are fine; especially when broiling. Electric ranges... ahhh, no sir, don't like um, not one bit.

For commercial kitchens, there are some pretty slick ones that have come out in the last three years; really expensive and they still don't get all of the smoke/grease. For home though, there is just a little filter in front of the fan that gets soaked.

i still can't buy into induction, it has gotten much better in the last 5-10 years though (much better at the trasition from low to high and high to low; but almost impossible to flambe). I don't know any chefs that have made the switch, but I do know a few off-site caterers/chefs who have said to me that they hate

Forget the hood. What is that company thinking? Electric range?? What crazy person has/would build a $30k (quick low end estimate) kitchen with four electric ovens and an electric range? You would go with gas… the only reason to go electric would be in you lived in an apartment with no gas hookups (or they don't