Mike the EE

And people eat it up as evidenced by whoever is clapping. “Fuck yea I’m seeing a wreck!”

Now playing

I will be filling in for McPherson while he is out

“For over 50 years, we’ve been getting people away from places. Whether that’s away from the office for a vacation, away from the kids for a night out with the love of your life, or away from the Godforsaken hellscape of your birth, a country cursed both by monomaniacal dictators and international sanctions, a land of

The real motive: The military is replacing the HMMVW with a new vehicle spec - the JLTV. And Oshkosh won the JLTV design competition so AM General has to find a new source of revenue.

I always wanted to see an ‘after the fall’ type trek where they are pulling themselves together after some massive war or other federation wide catastrophe. Some lost knowledge, cobbled together tech, new storylines that can move forward in the timeline. Still, honestly I’m happy to watch trek again and willing to

It’s the Kelvin mirror universe, everyone is clean shaven.

That mentality right there is the problem with why Trek suffers. Science is not a hindrance to storytelling. The main problem is the people who try to do copy/paste drama stories but with a sci-fi wrapper or people who just dont know how to write it.

I am Amazed the number of replies of people that lack basic reading comprehension and critical thinking skills. Some of the replies were honestly painful to read.

Look, if you’re going to do a remake of a cheesy 80's low budget sci-fi flick, then it has to be the Last StarFighter.

Which is why, manga source aside, this was a goddamn triumph right here. This was “for once”

and do something new for once. 

Would have been cool to set it after the Romulan supernova thing that kicked off the Kelvin-verse. I’m sure the destruction of Romulus would create a destabilizing event rife for storytelling. And there’d be a potential to bring back the occasional TNG/DS9/Voy alums for fan service cameos.

Haven’t seen Klingons for 100 years, but Klingons killed her parents.

Well, look at his username...