Boomslang Green

I’m glad that the NBA is solidifying the message I’m teaching my children. Their future is entirely dependent on the results of the lottery.

How many minutes do you think it’ll take him to get kicked out of the next bar? I figure four.

Take your star and go

Your high school didn’t have dirt?

“Let’s cut Ball off there”

Right, Jimmy Kimmel cooked this up for the final award of the night, the one for which dozens of people come onstage to accept the award. You are a fucking moron.

I’m really sorry Trump is completely incompetent, but mollycoddling him won’t change that.

Instead of just snowflaking about “bias,” you should state your disagreement with the article. If there’s something in there you take issue with, then dispute it.

It’s bias as of 1/20/2017. Prior to that it wasn’t biased to criticize the man in charge.

the biggest worry is that we would get our ass kicked again in another worthless and pointless war. WW2 in the pacific is the last war we “won” (USSR won the european theatre, we were mop up duty) and war is stupid, expensive, and pointless.

No, Happy Gilmore sucked just as much as everything else he does. You were probably just too young to realize it (and now watch it with nostalgia glasses).

Ahhhh, a love triangle.

He probably got caught slamming another posse.

Finally, Richard Sherman admits to pass interference.

It’s not that he doesn’t love football now. He just chose to play later rather than sooner.

Stupid memory foam.

Don Diaper | Sterling Pooper

I did Nazi that coming.

I have the emotional depth required to feel sorry for someone and still make a joke in an internet comment section. Take your fake concern elsewhere. You brought it to the wrong place.

That one actually made me lol. I think anyone that can’t survive a train to the zone needs to spend some time in Unrest. Man the heal procs would have been wicked back then.