Boomslang Green

I am convinced Trump thinks Barron is Clay Aiken. 

Certainly not by the guy with the wire-shut jaw.

Don’t worry-- it’ll sort itself out.


Huge dick on that guy. Monster.

Yeah, Redford is a very Gatsbyish guy.

Walt Disney had it.

You could, but...yikes.


The Browns did not sign Kendall Wright.

It’s always the people who look like they drink generator fuel who drink generator fuel.

Man, now even your mind is starting to go.

Look at this fucking guy.

In the US, if you’re close enough to the snake to see them, the easist visual clue to check for is the snake’s eyes. Besides the elapid coral snake, the only native American venomous snakes come from the pit viper family. Pit vipers have slitted pupils not unlike a cat’s. A round pupil indicates that the snake is a

Because their old coach who in the 1950's renamed the football team was a goddamned idiot.

“Two-tone bone”

Dry bites are very common with pit vipers.

The old late 80s Porsche 959 AWD would have been ideal.