
Rupi immigrated to Canada as a child, learned English and later studied writing at university. The fact that she is able to connect with people is the value of her work. If you don’t like her style, meh. Why is it because a woman is successful and able to profit off their work we tear them down? We don’t pull this

Just give up. You’ve revealed, through a Cascade of code words, that you are racist.

But DACA was not some behind closed doors conspiracy to make America less white. It was put in place, through a democratic process, and how racist white people feel about it is, or should be, besides the point.  

To be clear: the country is becoming less white. Not immediately, but there are reports that the country will be majority non-white by 2050 at the latest. Here’s the thing, though: there was never a referendum about this.

The reason why “NewEnglandBestEngland” wants the Dreamers to leave the country and wait in line to immigrate is because he knows that they will be denied entry and thus never be allowed to vote, gasp!, for democrats. It’s just self serving bullshit from a jerk who thinks it’s an accomplishment to be born white in

You do display an essence of impartiality and dignity, but you’re parroting much of what the nativists say- “But they’ll have children!”, etc. Interestingly, many of these people had ancestors who, as immigrants themselves were just as maligned by the society of those times.

Your argument is idiotic. Was the country on board when the Irish came? The Italians? No. I guess we should have asked every xenophobic native real-American if they were OK with it when the latest immigrant group showed up.

Lol whaaaat??? So you are saying that the problem is that lots of people are racist and that we should acknowledge the feelings of racists. I know that isn’t what you are saying.

What does the reason the Democratic Party supports DACA have to do with this though? Every political party does what they do to get votes. The problem is that 1 party is doing something that most people find reprehensible and immoral to get the votes, while the other is not.

What’s so frustrating about this article to me—admirable though it is in gathering receipts to substantiate its claims—is that it treats Hopper as if she’s special. (Which she is, to a certain extent, by virtue of her skill as a writer and critic.) But are we really to believe that Jessica Hopper is the first

Exactly. For all the utter bullshit that was Gamergate, lost in it (rightfully, given its small meaning compared to all the misogyny) was that there was a real complaint that the games industry and the press that covers it have a symbiotic, not adversarial, relationship. The Industry needs the Press to make positive

Eh. Wrong aspect of the story to focus on.

I’d say an erection has a much better chance of survival against snake hair than a dead rotting man’s anus, but that’s subjective I’ll admit.

Yeah who would make a big deal about people so unhinged that they issue death threats over videogames?

Look, you got your money back for the movie ticket, dude. Time to slink back downstairs.

Both the FBI and the CIA have histories of institutional dysfunction going back to their foundings that suggest the healthiest approach would be to rip them apart and build new agencies from the ashes, because in my opinion we do need somebody to do the work those agencies do.

I think it’s not quite that complicated, or even contradictory. After the election, I—like many—believed:

At the end of day, they chose to have children and do the job at hand.

The feelings exist regardless of whether they are vocalized or not. Children can pick up on those feelings—we're incredibly intuitive creatures. Unless disgruntled mommy is the best actor to ever have existed, they come out in microexpressions, sighs, attitudes, etc.

Why not hate a society that pushes women to have children, no matter what they feel? Hate the society that insists that everything will be totally fine once you hold that baby in your arms rather than the women that fell prey to it.