
Pretty much every Goth and metal head I know loathes Queen of the Damned but absolutely adore her! They’ll still throw hands for that angel.

I couldn't have said this better. Yes!!!! 

Part of when you’re trained, you learn the names of a dance move and/or sequence. Once you choreograph, you write down the sequences of moves, steps and after awhile you will be able to shorthand the lingo and other dancers can read it. But it’s just written out neatly when completed.

Both but mostly the first. Unfortunately we can be seen as lower than the lowest in these small towns. They will often dismiss crime against us as a simple domestic issue or no jurisdiction or cooperation. That's a whole other issue within itself. In all honesty, I think it's a white serial killer snatching us up

Every time I see this chuckle fuck I think of Mason Verger. You will not change my mind and I hope he meets a similar fate. 

I'm going to read it. It's a heartbreaking reality that doesn't get talked about. 

I admire their gumption because lord knows that holding it down isn't easy. I would look into it but definitely start learning more about the culture and celebrating what you can. Even if they don't recognize you, you can keep it going for future generations and that's what matters. 

Rolls eyes into the back of my head 

Yeah okay there Jan. Who says we abandoned our ways and our culture? That's mighty bold of you. We bucked the system that would have kept us in squalor and kept us drunk. Exactly what the white man wanted. Rounded up and put in one location so we're easy to track. Heaven forbid we make our own way and become more

Hey Native American woman here! Have you looked into whether you could be one of lost ones? I have watched many tribes, including mine, shove out a lot and I mean a lot of families because during the purge, they hightailed it out of there to avoid the reservations, took on white names and basically disappeared. Now

Genuine curiosity, how do you think things would get pretty dark? But spot on observation. When I catch myself doing it, I am internally livid that I have to do a simple Jedi mind trick to defuse a situation so I don't get raped, beaten, murdered or somehow punished for contradicting or hurting their ego. 

I'm so happy for you! I've been watching your story for quite some time and now I'm so happy to see you're finally getting a happy ending! Three cheers for Pumpkin Andy! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! 

Oh hell to the nah!!! That is terrifying. Maybe try carrying an amulet of your faith if you have one or something that brings you comfort when you're there? 

Oh my God no!!! Did you ever find out what was going on with the house? 

Please don't insult the xenomorphs like that. They are good, honest folks and he's a blight on all of existence. 

Have all the men gone mad? 

Homelessness and nowhere stable to go 

I wish I could lysistra him but life would be hell on earth if I refused him for too long 

Yes sadly 

You are absolutely right about this