Mike S

Well, that used to be a lot easier to do, but he couldn’t keep it televised or relevant enough for a lot of fans to keep up with actually streaming it every year. If it wasn’t for sites giving it the exposure they do, when actively complaining about it every single year, he and the show would have disappeared years

Exactly this for me too. Anyone who kicks in a door claiming to be an authority on anything, without really earning it (and frankly, he hasn’t) is always sus. It’s even more sus when somehow they’ve been allowed to keep that hold for so long, but no one really even cares who they are

You are correct. I used to frequent the site every day in the late aughts, early 10s, and none of the people who were mainstays back then are here now. Many started Polygon and I’m not even sure who’s still even over there. But yeah.. especially after saying so much about this already, that probably won't get seen

He was barely this over 20yrs ago when he made a name for himself! He became pretty much obsolete in the industry as soon as YouTube and Twitch became big. At best, he's Santa Claus: we only care about him in December 

Because game writers have had it out for him for well over a decade plus. We’ve all but forgotten about Cliffy B or Bobby Kotick, but this guy is like, the very last statue to pull down from much much brighter days. Those guys were cartoon characters compared to the shadow figures we don’t even hear about today. But

I like where you go with this, and I largely agree, but the industry put itself in this space by taking the Sony PS3 model of “we’re too big to fail” and didn’t seem to learn that, yeah, you can fail. That’s when it becomes nefarious. The lack of leadership and accountability, is nefarious. Failing upwards has been

So you also don't like YouTubers and Twitch streamers, then, right? Cause they're exactly what you described, and some of them probably make triple what he does. And I'm sure some of them make that money off the backs of stories like industry layoffs and "activism" when they don't really appear to do much more than

The game writer’s industry has had it out for him since he practically started. They keep trying to scapegoat him into this figurehead role, like his place in the world isn’t obsolete and he ends up being like Santa Claus: people usually only care about him in December.

Realistically he became obsolete as soon as YouTube became big and every publication under the sun started their own game of the year award. He wasn’t even an authority 20+ years ago when he was doing the same thing he is today; talking about this guy is a waste of time and isn’t going to change the lives of anyone

I’ve had very little respect for Keighley as far back as as his days on Electric Playground with Tommy Tallarico. But that initial lack of disrespect comes from the fact that I don’t like anybody who walks into a situation and tells us they’re an authority on anything, instead of allowing us to choose to see them as

Saw both. Both are mindbogglingly confused movies. 

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I felt the same thing. In fact, I’d say Lisa was more of an actual fully realized character towards the beginning of the movie, and somehow she... unravels? But not because it felt like she was supposed to unravel, and just because the script loses all focus that she somehow becomes

I’m probably going to spoil some things. Usually I’d care but I can’t find myself caring in the case of this movies. I want to champion this movie but can’t find a reason to. The movie is fun, and can be funny, and a lot of that can be attributed to 2 things: It’s late 80s style and Cole Sprouse. The rest of the movie