
Unexpected Dave is right, but you're also right that he passed his shoulder pads around like syphilis.

Yeah, I thought this too. Especially when midseason hit, it became clear that this one was more of a "lets show off all the friends we have" sort of thing, rather than trying to tell a truly tight story. The end, and how it somehow ends on Lee of all characters, and going back to the same tired well her character had

Yep, they couldn't even make her a thing we see in the very last show, even for one last "scare."

But instead they forgot a bunch of other things, particularly about Lee, since the writers gave themselves an out by eliminating everyone else. When, really, the cast was simply too big and they should have made it smaller from the start. Too many people had too little to do, in a limited time. Just messy all around

Could have been a weird easter egg we were somehow supposed to get from this week's Scream Queens, where a woman had a disorder that made her accent change nearly evry sentence.

This episode was the final echo of what the rest of the season seemed to be getting at: ruthless aimlessness.

I enjoyed the movie this is based off of for the pure entertainment value of it. Peña is aways a joy to watch, and from time to time Wahlberg can be too. That, and the movie didn't feel like it was cramming the patriotism down our throats. It was more of a conspiracy thriller than it was gung-ho 'merica. And I also

Well, to be fair, we really don't know the full story on some of the more unsavory types that died because of/around them. I can't imagine rape wouldn't be on at least one rap sheet.

Yeah, well it's too bad this antidote isn't actually going to cure anything.

I firmly believe Dion's relationship with the lawyer wasn't only that quickie. They've been at it for a while now and that's why he's in love enough to try to follow it up on the outside. He's a slimeball, but he doesn't seem to be the sleep around type yet. And I also felt the reason she squashed it was because it

The Bronx may be a borough of NYC but it's a whole different animal from the rest of the city. It's sort of refreshing as a New Yorker to see something set there.

To be fair, it seems like they've been having a relationship all along. His getting out seems to actually put a crimp on them having anything at all now.

I've got to agree, the mob stuff is the least compelling but I'm finding the stuff around it more-so because of that. It's the weirdest sacrificial lamb I've ever seen in a show.

As much as I like most of everything so far, yeah, John Doman's acting like an asshole is particularly more superb here.