
Nicholas Sparks is at this very moment bringing a lawsuit against the wedding planner for intellectual property infringement, claiming this was “future” intellectual property.

Here’s one of the worst things about this POS getting off after murdering that little boy: you know one day he’s going to kill someone else. He’s already come close with his girlfriend(s?) in the past; it’s just a matter of time before he murders someone else. The jury that acquitted him and the DA office that

i think she wanted to use the n**ggA to be hip but ended using the one her parents use at home

WTF. I felt uncomfortable reading that. Also... only 3 years ago.

He will be the healthiest president in history!

Yeah. I was really excited until I heard about the cartoon thing. Now I’m cautiously optimistic. But I am THRILLED that he’ll be on 2 Dope Queens

Oh repubs of the interwebs.... you’re so dumb. Thanks for the laughs?

I had a friend who told me her period started while she was spending a night in jail. She asked for a pad and was refused, even though blood was running down her legs. She was only in jail the one night, and was able to get cleaned up the next day, but still. This was Winnipeg circa 1990 and she was white, if that

I’m starting* to think Trump is a pathological liar. He constantly lies about trivial things, his lies are instantly and easily exposed, yet he continues on as if nothing happened. Take for instance all the supposed speakers at the convention. Right after he says Big Ben and Tebow will be there, it’s immediately shot

I could almost (but not quite) get past the no-pants thing if it wasn’t for the fact that NO FEMININE HYGIENE PRODUCTS? Are you fucking *kidding* me? And I get stressed if I don’t have an extra just-in-case tampon in my bag when I run to the grocery store, even if I'm not bleeding at that exact moment.

And then there was that long pause where she’s trying to figure out how to phrase something before she finally says,”That would be inappropriate.” I think her prior sentence was “What you should do is...” and then the long pause. She is all but blinking out “SUE THESE ASSHOLES” in Morse code.

Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a

The other thing I notice is that Wolf repeatedly apologizes to the woman and notes how humiliating this must be for her. The judge is not a hero—but this should be obvious to anyone who recognizes that black women possess the same humanity as everyone else.

It is so refreshing to read a GOOD judge story.


I voted for Stein in 2012 (it was more a vote for The Green Party than Stein to be honest) and I was really hoping that if the Greens were going to try and continue making inroads to become a viable 3rd option that they would have moved past Stein and found a more appealing candidate.

Better late than never. Just think, at the next G8 summit 3 out of 8 of the leaders in attendance could be women. That’s way closer to gender parity than I ever would have expected to see.

57, and holy shit this makes me so fucking happy. As the post states, there simply is no perfect candidate and she beats the hell out of almost all the other options we’ve had.

I’m excited, I don’t care what the haters say. I never thought in my life time I’d 1) see a black president 2) hopefully see a woman president. I’m stoked because that woman had to be made of motherfucking steal to deal with all the bullshit she’s had to deal with, and whether you call her shillary or Hillary she’s

Have to admit I teared up when the woman from the South Dakota delegation said “the first president to be called Madame President” while casting the decisive votes.