
Hon, you really need to see a good psychologist and a good psychiatrist. You sound like you need meds and therapy. I’m chronically depressed, but right now I’m in an upswing, so I know where you are (I was there about 3 years ago, lost my position, but the company moved me to a new one, thank the gods).

Willy Wonka, Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, The Producers, and Silver Streak.

I know they’ve made a solid effort to push the “kinder, gentler Hillary” narrative to appeal to men who are scared of an ambitious, aggressive woman, but I am so glad she pulled out this speech. We all know you are a shark, Madam Secretary, and we want to see you rip this nasty little goldfish to shreds.

Love it. She is brilliantly trolling him, he can let no slight go.

BTW, can we stop calling them the “alt-right?” So, like, the Klan may have been getting their hoods and robes laundered the past decade or two, and the Nazis hid their little swatika patches, but they are still the Klan and the Nazis.

Future Madame President is on a roll today! I’m particularly enjoying how the news is having to breathlessly explain what the alt-right is, exposing that dirty underbelly of the internet most of us have been reading about in some form or another for years. I look forward to Trump bringing on Roosh or Judgy Bitch next


As always, it took a journalist going undercover for the government to get embarrassed enough to actually address what had been going on all the time.

I am addicted to weightlifting this Olympics. SOOOOOO much drama in that sport, and strategy, and the occasional grossly dislocated elbow (yikes). And it moves quickly, and doesn’t take a huge amount of time, and anyone can understand it.

If Trump becomes president, do you think the Secret Service’s job will be to protect the rest of us from him?

samantha bee is a damn national treasure, for two nations, and she can pinch her d**k between my legs any time she chooses.

Um....yeah. So there a few reasons it could turn green, but on the assumption they are using chlorine, then it’s pretty simple: USE FUCKING CHLORINE.

Plus the vulnerability that comes from a neglectful childhood.

I would give up any romantic relationship before I'd give up my kids. This is so fucked. In every way.

Yeah, the people saying this is okay seem to be forgetting that this is a parent taking advantage of their child.

It makes me really uncomfortable that nobody seems to be saying much about the fact that he’s so much younger and how that makes him extra vulnerable. Nineteen is technically an adult, but you’re still young an easy to take advantage of. Not you, but the conversation in general. I feel like people get blinded by the

Peterson says, “Honestly I never thought we would get into trouble for our relationship.”

Trying not to judge. Trying not to judge. Oh fuck it, I’ll judge. No, no, no, no, dear God this is not ok. (Back to the Olympics. The women’s soccer team just took the lead!)

This is truly delightful. I love the amount of effort she put into everything (the coffee mug, for example).