People who have never had a seasoned tuna or chicken salad sandwich (the latter with appropriate accoutrement), may as well be the antichrist.
People who have never had a seasoned tuna or chicken salad sandwich (the latter with appropriate accoutrement), may as well be the antichrist.
So I tracked down the actual complaint and Unilever is suing for false advertising under the Lantham Act, alleging that Just Mayo is not, in fact, mayonnaise. And according to the complaint, the FDA does define mayonnaise as containing an "egg-yolk containing ingredient." Which of course, Just Mayo does not.
I don't trust people who say that they don't like mayonnaise. It's like saying, "I don't like weekends" or "I don't like fun."
I want all her coats. And hats
She looks amazing, and I want those shoes. Also that fascinator. And that coat. Oh, just send over the whole wardrobe, why not.
I think it's pretty specific to this generation, due to the, ahem, controversial role CPB played in that whole mess.
Yeah, I worked somewhere with a non-compete. I signed. Everyone said it wasn't enforceable in California. The trouble is, you have to sue to prove it's unenforceable, and chances are, the company you are suing has better lawyers. And they've probably done this before.
And that's probably true, but you never know how a dog is going to react when you remove it from it's owner and put it in a strange location. It's a stressful thing for anyone, and for a dog there's no grief counseling or support hotline. Even a minimal risk, to me, is too high. I know that's not for everyone, but…
I wonder if he wrote one everytime he jacked off into a tissue as well...
Goose is great too. We should really eat more geese. They are the true pinnacle of Avian Assholes.
Ms. Escobedo Shepherd, like many of the commenters, has no answer to that question.
Having been convicted in a criminal action, paid the penalty formally, socially and professionally, and apologised, what more do we actually want from this person? His death, metaphorically or otherwise? In my opinion, he's an idiot, a spiteful moron for doing what he did, one would need to be, but I'm not comfortable…
She has a special mud room for that.
So, I didn't realize thigh gap was a thing that men aspired to. I thought it was more of an unattainable thing for women.
Can we reserve the terms "horrific" and "inhumane" for stuff that is actually horrific and inhumane? I'm not saying that what happened is a good thing, obviously, it just seems like we should reserve those words when they are actually appropriate rather than diluting them every time something bad happens.
There's nothing inherently wrong with marrying young/having a family at a young age in and of itself. But the particulars of the military setup as described seem dead set against a young union succeeding—the overt and ridiculous financial incentives that lead to near strangers getting hitched, the long-term…
This is largely an issue relating to black people. If you can't see that, I can't help you.