
i had no idea. and i'm a kaffir!

Maybe they do this because you motherfuckers are so obsessed with the Kardashians that you'll read a story about the paparazzi that takes the pictures of them.

you're indistinguishable from all other neoliberal zealots.

I love how you comment on the size of my dick and then try to take the high road later in the conversation. But you're a woman, so you prefer manipulation to logic, and probably don't even know the difference. It makes conversation impossible.

There are starving people who camp on 6th street 2 blocks away from my place in downtown Los Angeles, you stupid stupid cooze. But tell me again how vain, middle-class cunts like yourself who are too self-obsessed to eat a meal are something that is worth more than exactly 0% of my attention.

The fact that you don't automatically know where starving people are in this world means that you're stupid, honey. It's not possible to have a meaningful conversation with you. You're a sack of meat.

i bet you're overweight.

No, they don't matter to people who are able to use logic to prioritize.

i'm not a misogynist. i just think the worst group of women on earth flock to this site like stink on shit.

No, I just live in a larger reality than you. One where people are starving all over the world and so, because of logic, I cannot care about a small group of people who choose not to eat the copious amounts of food to which they have access.

These people do not matter.

And even if I chose to ignore global realities and

cliffsnotes: girls are dumb

just because you and an insignificantly small portion of the American populace happen to be anorexic it doesn't colour the meaning of a word that other americans might use.

Actually it's not. A slur only applies to one group of marginalized people. Cunt is an insult that applies to all people equally, just like dick or prick or chode or any other bodypart insult. The fact that women have chosen to be extra-offended by it lately does not mean it magically morphed from insult to "slur".

cunt is not a slur.

i've said it; it's not offensive.

or... oversensitive cunts could stop making it their life's goal to unearth things to pretend to be offended by.

i hate the show.

One thing about Jezebel authors: they love to delete comments they don't agree with.

women hate being labeled "catty" almost enough to stop being catty.

who needs misogyny when women are guaranteed to take each other down at every opportunity?