Boomerang Python

Inventory would be shitloads easier too


Some people are just blind to success, also this game is a children friendly game, you're bound to get these comments then.

I'm just amazed she can aim that thing, never having used a bow in her life before. It is pretty tricky to be fair.

80%? Really?

On stranger tides, indeed.

Accuracy is always a good thing!

Thing is though, borders have changed over the course of time.. As is natural when people die and new small-time landlords take over and change allegiances and so forth.

Jeebus is that game blurry or what?

Ignorant swede here, educate me as to what they're doing wrong.

Funnily enough, I'm cool with this. Perfect christmas gift to get for myself!

So this is only for the American players?

At least they aren't bending the truth much at all!

Probably still one of the worst sounding due to finding the same voice actors wherever you look!

Agreed, Pacman blows, but if they decide to slap him into the game I hope it's in a 2D form sort of like Mr. Game and Watch, or as a 2D Assist Trophy.

Speaking of royalty in silly headwear..

Could it be that the Nintendo Network won't be available at launch and isn't quite ready yet that they decided to not include these functionalities?

Everybody knows Australia is it's own world entirely! Crikey!

Always with the lies!

You know what they call a Creeper in france?