You and me both!
You and me both!
So, are we seriously at a point where we call current generation games ugly?
Just as long as he doesn't get penisy!
The water bit is actually what always gets me, I think I've managed to get past it once, but that was way back on the actual NES, I did get it on Virtual Console of course, since it's TMNT and thought maybe I was a little wiser and more skilled so it ought to be a piece of cake but apparently not.. :P
I bought it and I am neither a child or a grandma.
Snake needs to still be in the game, he increased the badass level of brawl by about a billion percent.
I hope they will add in different costumes for each character this time, so instead of having a dr. mario and a mario there'd just be the one mario with a different costume, that would add more room for actual unique characters.
How in the hell did you manage that? It's bleeding impossible! :P
Yeah, because they're the only ones in this industry doing it?
Have you tried playing it with the new patches theyve released?, apparently it has helped reduce slowdown by an incredible amount for some people who suffered from it previously.
I've never had any problems with Civ V personally, and I've had it running on two different computers so far, I did have a bit of slow down late in games on my old computer but, that's what you get if you play on 6 year old tech!
Man, when will people learn that Nintendo is always working on the next generation of hardware.
Sad, poor, lonely Gamecube...
Thought you'd say:
Thing is, back in the day it didn't cost 4 gazillion space bucks to make a game.
And viking!
I'm not European, I'm Swedish!
Bitter much?
Financially, THQ are doing the right thing.