Boomerang Python

I'm sure 170 people really isnt such a massive number of people, probably the studios who were working on their kiddie games and all that jazz.

Let's see how Apple fares!


Nintendo Red.

How about Nintendo Reg!

Well, when i said Magikarp, I meant Magikarp eggs! :P

Another heretic follower of Slaaanesh put to rest.

Now playing

One Puddi to rule them all, One Puddi to find them, One Puddi to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

They'll be fine! No way in hell is THQ going down so easily!

You can get Mew from the WiiWare "game" My Pokémon Ranch, first you just have to deposit 1000 pokémon into your Wii...

Well in all honesty, the black 3ds gets dusty after about an hour.. :P

Downloadable Gamecube games?

Yeah for the 10 countries supporting Coins... :/

Did you just call the Reggienator a JACKASS?!


Correctamundo, dude!

I have said JRPG but yet to play it..

German IKEA, you do Swedish IKEA proud!

I'd pichu a different game totodile port!

Yeah that's true, but in that day and age there was only the NES for third parties to really go to, until Sega showed up with its big wolfish grin.