Boomerang Python

Get the Wii U instead of the Vita! :P

It's HIS island!


Ahh, well, I that explains it!

Soo.. Nothing at all happened to Japan this year? Say.. no ground-shaking news?

well that's not racist at all!


Yup, or like the notepad thingy.

I think it was said that they would be out in december sometime.

Props bro.

I can't even think of that many first party mascots that sony have created except the ones listed above, and I don't even know who half of them are..

I think it had vertical take off in BF2 and considering these are all BF2 vehicles and weapons, it is possible they will add that functionality, even though it may seem a pointless addition.

Rated M for Manure.

I've found there's far too many people in movies and on tv called Jack.

Fits a lot better than the Star Wars characters that were in IV at least!

Shite is german? Huh.

Someone's stolen SEGA's advertisement guy

Arnold definately has some of the most awesome japanese commercials ever!

Well, I'd like me some Smash Bros. Melee that's for sure and Wind Waker definately, probably Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion aswell.