Boomerang Python

Bah! Fuck it!

Hmm, strange how they've pulled them off steam..

A little music to go with the brains, perhaps?

A little music to go with the brains, perhaps?

A little music to go with the brains, perhaps?

I would keep the bad mouthing to a minimum until we actually know the full story and not some scan from a magazine article that apparently no sane person cares to read before yelling burn her!

Looks like she's on the shitter to me!

It's gonna be real interesting to play a different take on the franchise, that's for sure!

Looks like some kind of Star Trek spaceship..

Actually looks comfortable, I always thought the 3DS was slightly uncomfortable to play with due to its size and boxyness (sort of like holding a nes controller), this adds more of a modern console controller feel to it!

In the spirit of being honest and having opinions, here's one.

Why so serious?

Dogs and cats living together...

War.. War has changed.

I wouldn't consider a month after release be too terribly late for extra FREE content that they didn't quite manage to finish in time for release. (At least they decided to continue working on it instead of just cutting it out of the game completely like so many other developers tend to do.)

None at all.

To be honest, this feature would make more sense online..

SEN means LATE in swedish.

Or Jack Bauer comes and drags you out of your embassy!