Boomerang Python

Male Shepard for my "Real" playthrough, and female Shepard for my EVIL AS SHIT playthrough!

True, I guess if it is a feature in a game you expect it to actually work.

Perfect Dark was never made for online play! It was made to be enjoyed in the company of peers in a big old sofa!

Saints Row 2 is definately worth a playthrough if you haven't played it yet, but I'd probably recommend the console version, now I'm not sure about the PS3 one as that came a bit later than the 360 version I believe. But the 360 version is golden.

Obviously :P

I'm still rooting for some Sweden DLC myself :P

Heck, perhaps the storefront will even load up!

The Emperor Demands it!

Sid Meier's Civilization.

I tend to always go for the 100%, including achievements (but if there are any online multiplayer ones i might skip those).

Yoshi's Island and Donkey Kong 64 here.

Wii Virtual Console R.I.P. :/

fraking toaster!

Kane is to this day, one of my favorite bad guys, he is the only reason I'm going to torture myself through C&C4.

Westwood made me the PC gamer I am today, hell the first game I played on PS1 was C&C, which later lead to the purchase of a PC for the C&C games.

The only Arcadia for me is Skies of Arcadia!

Fat chance with that EVE Online mmofps being on the PS3.

Good old Planetside, better have some of the old soundtrack in there somewhere, it was crazy good!

Heroes in a half-shell, turtle power!

I believe the Nazi looking guy with gasmask is from some anime actually, can't recall the name, though.