Boomerang Python

Holy shitballs, hope the valkyria chronicles games get this treatment so I can finally play the sequals.

Funny thing is, once a good game using VIP passes end up in droves in the 'pre-owned' shelves, there usually aren't really that many players online anyway.

I'm with you brutha!

So.. Stargate anyone?

45 days of awesome, yet probably empty Planetside it is!

50 Cent: Blood On the Sand.


50 Cent: Blood on the Sand.

You know, I don't think their games are that suited for 3DS anyways, seeing as how complicated they can get.

Yup, I thought I had read it somewhere already, aswell.

I think he was even working on translating them for the swedish market or something.

Dude, as a swede, I haven't heard anything about that crazy bullshit.

Unless they actually got him American consoles, I mean, they cannot be that stupid.

In Sweden we are currently paying roughly 2.2 dollars for a liter of gas. Which is considered frickin' high.

The obvious choice is probably Lego LOTR when the hobbit is released.

As close as we'll ever get to a Skies of Arcadia 2.. :(

What the hell is religion!?


Also, leveling up your athletics skill improves your movement speed by quite a lot.

I'm a huge fan of M&B Warband and have played that for almost 200 hours, but With Fire & Sword really disappointed me, I guess the landscape is just too bland in comparison to the crazy variation you find in warband, also I prefer the medieval times more.