Boomerang Python

Look closer.

Mate, "Imperial Guard" is where it's at.

Awesome T-Rex skeleton in the background!

Should keep in mind that sometimes the top players on leaderboards aren't playing completely 'proper' in lack of a better word.

Oh, for the love of crap! That's one of my few most played and enjoyed PC game series, ruined!

War.. War has changed.

Like a baws.

Why would you ever even bother checking the English dubs when you've got the japanese ones with subs! Awesome!

The King is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to!

Yeah, It was pretty awesome, I first played it on a Playstation with the mouse accessory (which blew my mind). And later got it for PC. Still have the disc and its silly plastic cd case.

Um, Leon. Not Chris.

Beautiful shiny fire!

Open your mouth!

By going naked and high on drugs! RAWK!

Well, Nintendo got a littler richer from his stupid ass..

How do you know!?

We have the technology.

it's a massacre!

Are you certain of this?