Boomerang Python

@Brodka: regrettably: the old rare logo is automatically linked to lots of wonderful gaming moments by lots of people though..

@Teran: Think Q and not q

So let me get this straight once and for all, do all americans wear shoes indoors?

@jamaicanmecrazy: There's been whispers and rumours spreading throughout the land of such a force on the march.

You know, the 3DS is perfect for old N64 remakes, the two consoles have almost identical controllers, 1 joystick, 1 cross thingy (brain melt-down), shoulder buttons (one that might be used as the trigger on n64), and a bunch of buttons.

@JabbaB: PSPhone is in the eye of the beholder!!

@KingHippo: Dont get your panties in a bunch over some words! You're reading too much between the lines.

The only fighting games I can play is Smash Bros. and Mortal Kombat, everything else makes me want to bite a chunk of plastic out of my controller in rabid frustration.

Gee, what a discreet HD icon they've added to the logo!

@AngryChiefsFan: Yeah the World Cup games are just quick money grabs to use the hype of the WC to sell some extra gamez.

Noooooooooo! Not NHL 09! Teh Poop!

@taminosk: Yeah I do the same, I also do it so I can collect that +10 points if someone happens to take the target out :P

@ilikejelly: Man, you guys need to stop playing normal mode and join the party we've got going on hardcore mode! one shot kills, baby!

@Jezuz: I think Nintendo said they'd be revealing all the details in January or February.. Can't remember which one though.

@surft: Isn't Kingdom Hearts sort of an RPG?
