Boomerang Python

He's covered wars ya know.

@freedomweasel: Maybe. Or MAYBE the video is heretically inaccurate!!

@LGalucard: I only found out a few days ago too :P

@wrackune: True, it does sound a bit bland, but to fans of 40k it works nicely!

@sorac: they pretty much invented the word "Space marine" (not counting starship troopers as someone previously said somewhere else)

@LGalucard: That movie has already been released, mate.


@VashNL: I happen to like Ultramarines, mainly because they bear the same colours as my countrys flag :P

Ooo, they added some hair on his noggin now! :P

@VashNL: The Emperor on Terra brings gifts to his faithful servants!

@Armagetiton: And the Starship Troopers weren't called Space Marines, they were Starship Troopers!

Nobody sets up House and gets away with it.

"Baby" is very Super Mario. :o