
What's funny is that this decoration actually proves that he knows shit about Islam and that he's just an ignorant CNN watching hick who'll believe anything that's on TV.

Wow, all that work for 35 second commercial. Too hard.

What if the robot forgot where he parked your car? Would he then call the "parking security robot guard" to help him find it?

So the military that spends billions of dollars per year on new technologies just never thought of this idea, but a guy with a hotmail address, couple technical drawings, and a copy of photoshop thinks its the next best idea for the seas. Right.

Very nicely done. Please give us an update once it's finished.

"Four door sports coupe" - hahahaha, that's a good one! I see Acura HQ replaced vehicle stylists with PR comedians.

vee drrink a shot of vodka for your hooning of zee police kar

@ploopsy: someone forgot to put thelug nuts on?

The new SLS. It'll be similiar to pulling out a "new"300SL Gullwing today.

It's a neat car with a great idea but if it's not streetable, it's just a $7500 lawn ornament.

It's sad that we've become so impersonal and anonymous these days that something as insiginifcant as parking pass proves that you're a resident in that apt complex.What happened to "hey, that's Bob's car there, we don't need to tow it because he lives here; I know Bob he's a cool guy, not sure why he's got no pass but

@jon_daniels: I'm sorry but I don't drag people behind their vehicles that I'm trying to steal. As a matter of fact I don't steal or rob people, or take advantage of someone as they're trying to revive another dying human being. Not sure where you're going with this, but too many times crooks get punishments that

@jon_daniels: I love how people assume that I was quoting a scripture when all I was saying is to do to the

Bring back eye for an eye punishment. Tie the carjacker to a car and drag them too on the way to prison.

Looks like he's out for a Sunday stroll rather than to "terrorize" anyone. More hoonage needed.

Was Jim Sikes behind the wheel and he put in in Neutral to prove a point?

Another weirdo does something retarded and thinks he's a genius artist.

And here's the patent drawing for the SUV version.

I hate dumb ass cops that pull stunts like this or jump out in traffic to pull someone over.