He should have shot the window out - it would have been easier.
He should have shot the window out - it would have been easier.
Looks like roadkill that's stuck on the grille.
Who cares, it's freakin ugly, just like most of Lexus's recent lineup.
@Germanautoaddiction: totally agree - too tall and narrow.
Used VWs, Land Rovers, Jags, Volvos, Saabs. These still cost a decent coin when they're 5 years old but are just out of warranty and will break your bank in repairs and maintenance as they're uber unreliable.
@HideyoshiJP: Ok, although I agree with that point, it would have been less obvious photoshop job if actual drivers sat behind the wheels
It's pretty sad when companies have to turn to photoshop to try and show us how cool their cars are. That makes them not cool and pretty pathetic in my books.
best ever!
@Electro Gyrocator: Those are just cutouts for ice cream buckets. Summer's coming and an Accord is cheaper to run than a full size ice cream truck.
@The Dead Inside Group of Companies Limited: I noticed that too.
Dear bass-tuner magazine,
Looks like a mix between Nintendo and Legos.
That took all of 37 seconds. Throws a rock at 13 seconds, the ATM is out by 50 second mark.
Seen on NJ Craigslist: For sale: Fleet of BMWs. All in new condition. Lost titles but you shouldn't have a problem getting new titles at the DMV.
It's not so much that the price is crack pipey but rather the interior mods are. The outside I can live with, but the red steering wheel and racing pedals totally don't go with the tan interior. Not to mention the million M badges.
"We had no advance warning, whatsoever" - Yeah, because you probably couldn't tell whether your foot was on the gas or brake.
@Detroit Velvet Smooth: Now with Coilpack recalls!: hilarious! thanks for the laugh!
"The sign distracted me and caused me to crash. Who do I call to sue for THAT?"