boomchampion, uppity negress

From the article: “I was like, that’s a shame. I didn’t know,” Reggie repeated, adding that the situation left him discouraged.


I’m surprised he was surprised. I’m white, and I pretty much expect every white person I meet to be both racist, and to assume that I am also racist. Because that is my experience living in both South Carolina and Texas. Maybe it’s different in other places, but those other places will have to prove me wrong. I don’t

There’s also the consideration of laws about disposing of used motor oil and the environmental concerns that go with it. Hopefully the kid found some less fraught idea for a summer job/business, because that kind of entreprenurial spirit is great - you just have to be thoughtful about the side details too.

You sure Pretty is supposed to have a “r” in it?

This is totally true.

I look 100% white, but my grandma was from Lebanon. My dad’s half Arabic, has brown skin/hair/eyes, etc... so does my brother, but I look like my mom: green eyes, reddish hair, white skin. We go through the same airport security line and they get harassed and I walk right on through.

It’s amazing

“Just give me a call. I will be there. On time!” Reggie said.

Hell why complain. You got a section of the lawn cut for free.

When are the police going to get serious about charging or at least fining people for making BS calls. This should be about a $500 fine when all the neighbor had to do is go next door, knock and say your lawn guy is over on my side of the property line.

You’d think people would read the whole damn thing before commenting on it.

*Looks up Don Merckle on Spotify to give this guy dem hits*

He doesn’t want your applause. He wants other white people to do the same thing. He’s saying and doing EXACTLY what needs to be said and done.

Realize that for every decent person giving him a pat on the back, there's a good ol' boy putting a target on his back. And yes, as a black person you live with that every day, but this guy had to choose to step from safety into the line of fire. That's no small thing.

Gotcha! Thanks! It’s early on the west coast and I was not sure if I was missing something.

He may not have understood the cross your legs at the ankles with your legs extended.  It almost looks like he was trying to sit cross legged. Then again, he wasn’t given much of a chance to figure it out.

It’s rather telling that Facebook pulled the video of the cops acting the damn fool.

When a bunch of cops are in the process of arresting you, it might throw your co-ordination off a bit, don’t you think?

I mean, it also definitely sounds like he’s getting conflicting instructions from two different cops so maybe he was just scared out of his wits and didn’t know what to do.

Still, definitely not a reason to get tazed.

It’s like they get off on doing that shit. I’d love to see someone put a police officer in that same situation and make him dance the electric boogaloo.

She was “new”