boomchampion, uppity negress

So, now, mental illness causes racism? Is this the Ambien defense?

Swimming pools have a long, racially charged history

Um...lots of problems with the message behind your post. Let me take out the biggest one, you kinda repeat this theme.

And not all white guys are terrified of black women, rightly or otherwise. What kind of shit is that to say? I am a white guy and I’m not afraid of black women. Why would you need to be afraid? Take your comments and suffocate them, please. It’s scary that you seemingly don’t see how racist what you’re saying is.

Internet don’t fail me now!

Evolved how exactly. She still dresses the same. Same music videos.

The only conversation that anyone should be having is that Nicki Minaj protected a fucking pedophile rapist. We get articles everyday about R Kelly and his fans and followers that support him but we need more words on Nicki. All this shit she is doing now is to deflect from that. No one has called her to task for

She goes on to say that she’s not selling sex, she’s selling sex appeal.

I apologize. I didn’t mean to come at you wrong. I generally don’t like talking about Colorism at all. Mostly, because there is this need to equivocate it, in almost every instance which I find maddening. Because the same arguments used to equivocate are the same logical fallacies that black men and white people like

But the thing is, you could apply that argument to everything, if you wanted. You could easily apply this argument to the H&M photo.

i get what you’re saying, and yes there’s room for different interpretations, but some images carry so much hurtful baggage that other viewing lens or interpretations become luxury or frankly self-indulgence. Given the re-emergence of a particularly insidious kind of colorism in black culture (hip hop/minaj), why are

it does not matter at this point.. the thing is, you can’t separate that image from its historical stench. It is so disappointing that folks can’t understand this.

I give her that agency as well, I’m happy that she’s happy. And applaud her accomplishments, but the image itself in the larger cultural context is still fucked up. Is this a woman doing her job? Yes. Is this also a colorist play on the mammy trope? yes. Both of those things can be happening at once. Largerfeld’s

Anyone who looks at the image and does not get the historical stereotype of light-skin valorization vs dark skin submission is in deep deep denial or willful blindness.

I just find it amazing that we can call bullshit on thing like ironic racism. But when it comes to “stunt yellow bone it” or “japanese and indian, got that yaki that wavy brazilian” or the alexandra shipp/storm stuff, that makeup girl who made her skin like 3 shades lighter, or this photo. It suddenly becomes, YOU

Stop dropping these truths, Martha.


I have no idea if this is true, but it feels ominous that people can just start saying stuff about things that allegedly happened years and years ago, and they’re career is suddenly supposed to be ruined.

My tweet was erased immediately, weird how the President does not like to be called a coward.  

Michael Avenatti, who refuses to shut up ever