The bottom line is, if you choose to reserve that part of yourself for your significant other, great! Good for you, good for your SO.
The bottom line is, if you choose to reserve that part of yourself for your significant other, great! Good for you, good for your SO.
When it’s public it’s everyone’s business. When it’s in a hallway of school it’s the schools business. When there is no rationale or understanding behind the action it’s everyone’s business. So, if you see kids playing in the street in traffic it’s their business to let them figure it out by letting them get hit? If…
“in of it self”
“Your premise is based on the notion that sexuality is shameful and undignified for women”
I want to be clear: Adults can do what they chose - consequences are baked in and don’t require judgement. This is not related specifically to this article or Monique Judge or embracing the inner sexuality within. The Root After Dark is great. As an avid reader of the Root, I have no issue with it or any subject…
Dr. Walker, there is an unrepentant spewer of racial slurs named thewhitetruth advocating for the death of black people in the comments of this article. Looking at his comment history, I can also find that he uses a certain “f” word to describe LGBTQA+ folks, and is a blatant rape apologist as well. Funny how those…
Hey, that’s sushi money!
I got into Brown the other day and two other black people I did a summer program with got into Cornell and Stanford recently!
Your story reminds me that I need to do better as a parent, a few weeks ago we went to an outdoor Hispanic market, I’m Hispanic... Mayan to be more accurate, my husband is white and we have a daughter. My daughter happens to be white, while browsing in the market many vendors gave my kid free stuff because “she is so…
Watch the other videos on his page.
I was just talking to my mom about this today. Girls are supposed to be accommodating. When I was in school-grade one- our teacher did a lot of leasons around inappropriate touch and how if any toucn makes you uncomfortable it is not ok and to tell an adult you can trust. I remember the example was a grandpa who was…
There was a Lyft driver who wouldn’t take a drunk girl home. he did the right thing.
At least you recognized that she was being treated differently for no real reason. You can advocate for her. You can educate others. You can tell this story.
YES. I taught preschool; Parents and educators think that having a diverse classroom is all that’s necessary to promote inclusion. It’s not. Those children need to be represented in their classroom or shit like this happens. Books and toys are overwhelmingly white When my (white) child was given a little people…
I have been giving real thought to when my children will be allowed to participate in social media. On the one hand, I think it is the most damaging thing ever invented for self esteem and self worth and a major avenue for 24/7 bullying that goes beyond normal peer groups. On the other hand, not being connected can…
It’s not just white America that blatantly devalues little black girls. The black community is guilty of this as well. I grew up in a family and community that idealized girls who were born with light skin, keen features, and “good” hair.
Black girls have to be perfect at all times and even when they are perfect, people find fault that isn’t there. I took my friend’s daughter out with my son. Her daughter is black, my son is white. I have NEVER in my life had strangers come up to me with their “concerns” more than this day. One white lady lifeguard…
A black girl I taught committed suicide in 7th grade and it shocked everyone. She had a lot on her plate and vacillated between being popular and being bullied (off school grounds) and had a long history of mental health struggles. School counselors had been part of her academic plan from early elementary school and…
I am a parent of a school age child. I currently have 4 friends who have children thinking about suicide. One is a beautiful 16year girl addicted to fashion etc always on IG which she constantly post pics for likes yet feels ugly and too skinny despite having all makeup weaves etc that she rocks well. All 3 others…
When I was 4 years old, I told my mother that my nursery school teacher told me to “stop acting like a baby” because…