boomchampion, uppity negress

Let the doll troll plastic surgery in peace.

Truth. And at international borders. Eurostar Paris to London and reverse, i get asked whose child I am travelling with and have to provide proof of relationship because we have different last names.

Your comment on the RedTableTalk Jada/Gabby article led me to your comment history.

Intrigue. I am dealing with something akin to what you describe.

Yea, no. But thanks for following up on this news story.

...posted to wrong article

...posted to wrong article

Ent? Two things can be true at the same time, people. Also, blackness is so beautiful and no other people have that shine or storied history- good, bad, ingenious and unfortunate- all that history, we carry as pain and potential in our dna. To wit, mixed and biracial people do themselves a disservice if they dismiss

Moved to tears. Thank you kindly.

Straight lol’ed

No no NO! A bridge too far. My husband buys me zero things and his mother asked what he was giving me, special, having gone through four days of labour etc. He said, ??? nothing!? The words ‘push presents’ are not in their lexicon as they are French but my MIL recounted how his dad got her something to commerorate the

Legit lol’ed.

I also feel guilt for my mental trove of inane trivia.

Well, nah. This isn’t a game of telephone: it’s this Jezebel writer that called the biter Becky. We should not infer that she is.

For the culture, be informed that a ‘Becky’ is a white girl. To wit, “Becky with the good teeth” cannot be Sanaa.

I didn’t know you were in Nyc?!

How unfortunate that this is the top comment/thread.

You can vape weed? Whut?

Truth. I was telling mummy, you know times hard when you see white twentysomething and middle-aged people, male and female, vagranting in parts of Brooklyn where before there was the odd homeless person colour.

Ms. Dash is a product of her people and they need to come get her.

Oho? This is very helpful. I thought they banked the info in conglomerate or something. ...Since it only works based on who contributes data. I read an article just yesterday, on I think business insider, that reviewed different dna research companies and they said nothing about competing databases. Their top choice