
White girl wanting to be a victim. How unusual.. -_-

Not really. Gender is natural it is not about ideology. Animals have sex and gender so it is completely natural in humans to have tit as well. Most people grow up to be exactly what their birth certificate says and we shouldn’t be forced to change that for a minuscule minority of people looking for attention.

Great white movies of 2016, but let’s put in one or two without a white lead just so nobody calls us out on it.

Who cares if a bunch of privileged trash don’t get paid as much?

#1 Everyone at Gizmodo Haterville.

Says privileged white man/woman who Trump’s policies will in no way affect.

He’s a hero. A national treasure!

How are Pokemon Sun and Moon absent?

#BlackExcellence represents a culture, #WhiteExcellence represents a skintone. That’s it. Irish pride exists because Irish white people know they originate from Ireland. Most black people who are descendant of slaves do not know the country of origin and thus our skin is our overall joining characteristic, not where

It is absolutely what white people want.

Now y’all don’t like Property Brothers!? WTF is wrong with this page! You guys hate everything, even random shit!

Does Togepi evolve twice? Because if so his final form isn’t even a second gen pokemon. You should be happy about that.

Everything does not need to be marketed to victimized white women. Why is it a problem that straight men need to be entertained too? Women are entertained by the male body as well. Should it be that only women can be sexually stimulated and men be eunuchs?