White girl wanting to be a victim. How unusual.. -_-
White girl wanting to be a victim. How unusual.. -_-
Not really. Gender is natural it is not about ideology. Animals have sex and gender so it is completely natural in humans to have tit as well. Most people grow up to be exactly what their birth certificate says and we shouldn’t be forced to change that for a minuscule minority of people looking for attention.
She did not discover it.
Great white movies of 2016, but let’s put in one or two without a white lead just so nobody calls us out on it.
Who cares if a bunch of privileged trash don’t get paid as much?
Not “everyone,” just people who like Marvel films. Children’s superhero films.
People on this site write with such reckless abandon that it’s ridiculous. Do you feel proud after writing a title like that? Could you take it to The Times(Either LA or NY) and expect to get a job? Probably not. Which is why you write for Gizmodo and not the NYT.
Of course you do. Every film has to be an Oscar contender, nothing can just BE, or even just be fun for OTHER PEOPLE THAN MYSELF. Everything has to be bad, or “problematic,” or just not good enough. You guys really need help on this site.
Do you even live in NYC to even say some stupid shit like that at the beginning? Digging out of potholes? Stopping? Girl, shut up.
#1 Everyone at Gizmodo Haterville.
Says privileged white man/woman who Trump’s policies will in no way affect.
He’s a hero. A national treasure!
No. This entire article was stupid.
How was Warcraft a success again?
I agree that the toys are bad quality I do not agree that
MMPR had the best suits. Especially when Magiranger exists.
The movie must be good because Gizmodo/i09 hates it.
Just complain some more. Better yet, release the entire plot and film online specifically to you Katharine. That way you could know what they’re looking at.
No your, as in you’re owning stupidity. Like you just did by correcting something you didn’t read.
You posted a source for an article about the 3DS that came out months before Pokemon Sun and Moon. How is this journalism? You people do not even the slightest bit of research!