
Voluspa, all the way. I never understood the fuss about candles until someone game me a gift set years ago. Natural, amazing scents that perfume the air and last forever- I love them all.

Voluspa, all the way. I never understood the fuss about candles until someone game me a gift set years ago. Natural,

I used to work with a guy who could be hilarious and jovial and had great stories that you would steal and tell other people because they are just that good, and was one of the most fun people to just sit and talk about shit with. He could also be a total asshole for no good reason and his personality could turn on a

Don’t renew him and, if I’m frank, let him go now.

Honestly, take a page from Taylor Swift. She did nothing, her groper blew up his own life.

So make sure you don’t renew his contract, apologize to the employees he made cry for inadequately protecting them, and do better in the future. It’s great that you’ve recognized the issue but now it must be fixed and you must be vigilant so that it doesn’t reoccur.

Man, I’m so sorry. But you are right that you are his boss, and being the boss means having to fire or discipline your team every once in a while or you’ll be letting the others down.

Thanks for the insight and I hope you’re in a much healthier place now.

I’m with Slut Panic. I’m a DV survivor and all the controlling, violent, psychological abuse had me doing things that weren’t at all in my nature. I never cheated, but I could totally see myself hoping for some other guy to come rescue me and going with that (whatever it looked like). And I hate the idea of men

Yep. I thought the affair was her way of trying to get out. But after being caught, she tried really hard to get her boyfriend to stay and trust her again. They even kind of “broke up” for a while because her boyfriend couldn’t accept the cheating. I don’t think cheating is abusive but gaslighting and manipulation is.

Need some insight about something I’ve been chewing on... Are abusive relationships really as black and white as an abuser and a victim?

Relationship stuff:

This is not my advice, but some I received from a Jezzie commenter months ago (credit @Zeetal)

So my job is to basically help people with time management, organization, and productivity - I can go into more specific detail if you’d like but my one big piece of advice is BREAK IT DOWN. Take a few minutes and break down your project into a series of actionable tasks, then focus on those.

I just need a minute of self pity here. Have had HPV for about 10 years, married for 17. Had cone biopsy last time; this time colposcopy. Negative, so no weird cells.

If this post has inspired you to donate Carry the Future is a worthy organization that collects used and new baby carriers to distribute to refugees in Greece, and they are also I believe in the process of starting to provide baby boxes as well:

That’s a really shitty way to do raises and it’s just cheap. Go in there and say you want the raise now or don’t take the job. If you’re managing people now where you weren’t before, that’s a huge shift in responsibility. Is it, like, the ONLY place in your town where you could possibly do that job? I don’t think

I got a new job! It’s a promotion for me and I will be in a team lead role, which is a first for me. It was a rigorous interview process with five interviews and a case study. I’m super happy I got it!

5 interviews for one job? Brutal. Pretend they are practice interviews and remember that you are interviewing them as well. You can prepare some questions to help answer your doubts. If you don’t get it then it was good practice. It doesn’t mean you as a person were rejected but that they found a candidate who had

It is my understanding that Germany has very strict laws in terms of both racism and street harassment. I’d look into it in case it happens again so you can report your harassers.