I don’t know if I could do that drunk on a bike but I’ll post video if it’s funny.
I don’t know if I could do that drunk on a bike but I’ll post video if it’s funny.
Dude, they have guns lying around all over the place:
Missing: Triumph the Insult Comic Dog, specifically at the premier of Attack Of The Clones in 2002
Ya cheap crypto! Its the only way to get those Deep Web Mystery boxes that keep showing up in my youtube suggestions! I can’t wait to get my hands on some weird shit some incel found at a yard sale! Excited!
If you don’t care to watch the three minutes or so prior, heres a ten second lead in instead:
Countdown to his hidden camera gay sex tape getting released, the fucking hypocrite.
You guessed it, Frank Stallone.
Oh man when I got my first, grown up, HD TV I had the smoothing on because I had no idea what it was. It made the second Thor movie look like a Canadian soap opera from the 90's.
Same with physio and chiro - you know there’s at least a couple of people each year that just barely made the cut out of their respective residencies and they can fuck your entire shit. right. up.
I come back to this thing every once in a while, I love a haka story.
Yes. I’m afraid there have been some seriously stupid hakas hakaii hakaas ones:
25 blocked on this page alone and I’ve usually got like 6 kinja tabs open at a time, fuck whitelisting, I’d sooner subscribe.
Sent from my Blackberry Curve
No. Wire. HANGERS!
The Un-Fuckable Hate Army wins another battle, way to go, terrible little boys.
So, there’s a finite amount of times he’s going to be able to afford to pay decent representation to file appeals on his behalf and it’s very clear that no sitting judge is going to do anything with those appeals but shit all over them.
Footnote: That hit was October 2009, he missed like 40 games and came back in January, then got another concussion in March. He got traded to the Canucks in the offseason in that condition and never fully recovered, stinking it up here for three years before getting cut loose. I dunno what happened after that but he…
Cleveland 6-10? Come on man - which 6 teams are going to bathe in that kind of shame?
Now there’s a name without one single fuck to give.