
Does it require a special controller?

“None of the folks I spoke to at Science Exchange or the Center for Open Science blamed malice.” And yet, while it’s clear you’re trying to head off the likely inevitible cascade of science deniers, by bringing up malice you kind of miss the point. People don’t exercise skepticism with science due to some unsavory


Agnes Nutter predicted this.

Professor X’s f-bomb is in the international (and slightly longer) version, which is not linked here:

Number One, I’m Number Two.

There are some things I really like about the soundtrack (I love it whenever Saw and his group are on screen, for instance), but for the most part, the whole thing just gives you Star Wars blue balls.

But is the Frogurt also cursed?

Batman then lets him go because him and Superman have settled that as their safe word.

They added ‘writing’. ‘Good’ backed out of the project, citing prior commitments with Disney.

There have been rumors that part of this movie’s plot includes Ares and his desire for a powerful Amazon sword

i mean is there any other way to train with Puffins?

So Michael Jackson was originally envisioned as Luke Skywalker?

New Star Wars movie: deep space pirate crew finds a TIE Advanced X1 drifting through space, heavily damaged and apparently having lost hyperdrive halfway through a lightspeed jump. Tractor beam pulls the fighter into their cargo bay.
A few minutes later, the crew inspects the fighter and finds no pilot. Just the

To make Mythopoetic Stew:

Yes they do.

“We’ll take the Aluminum Falcon! Hop in!”

And his assistant’s face is crawling with filthy midichlorians.