Have you not heard of Captain America 3?
Have you not heard of Captain America 3?
I can’t wait for Bricken’s FAQ for this.
This is the same bullshit argument that keeps Michael Bay in business making those godawful Transformer movies.
The part about Tony’s corpse still being in the suit as Jarvis operates it is brilliant.
I would recommend he re-install Windows 7 because Windows 10 is fucking spyware.
Really plays out his Catholic thing. http://biblehub.com/matthew/4-19.h…
I like how it falls into his obsession of labeling everything with a bat-centric name. Wonder if there are other tiny labels on the armour, Bat-helmet, bat-codpiece etc.
Yeah but does she bleed?
Nah Splatterhouse was where it was at.
A can of Earthworm Jim’s you mean?
I was thinking the same thing.
Was that a good thing? What is the new definition of pop music? How did he do this? Are you actually Kanye? Do you like fish sticks?
My thoughts exactly. Was his solution getting bit by a radioactive spider?
Did anybody spot QT-KT in the film? I thought she was supposed to make an appearance.
It means village, it’s a part of our heritage. (This will be funny to Canadians.) Side note it is also the name of a suburb of Ottawa.
If you want a character to have no emotional depth and just be “Hur, I’m a badass!” Then you want Darth Maul.