Novel Solution

Wishing you all the best of luck! 

Precious doggo is very precious! I love those ears! Those paws! The boopable nose! 

All my condolences. I am so, so sorry. 

Ponds. Old-school but has been so, so good to my skin. Just use a little each night, a dab goes a long way. 

A very noble pup.

I trust his judgement. 

The pear-shaped diamond could be repurposed into a pendant necklace and the princess cut reset? Both could be personalized, of course. If the ring makes her happy though and they chose the stones as a couple, well, good for them.

I like the various shades of pink in the stone and, it looks fun. If you picked it, it is to your taste. The lighter shade of pink, at least from this angle, looks like a small heart. 

Purge Day = Me + Shopping Cart+ Barns and Noble/ Lush. Basic but yeah, that is me. 


I want to lie down next to him and tell him all about my day. Happy Birthday, Marvelous Mishto!!!

I think it is all the nips, tucks, peels, and injections. She was very pretty when younger but, has, like so many other High-End Wives, turned into a parody of herself. As for once pretty hair, it has been sapped of any vitality and life through colouring and never-ending treatments. You are not being petty.

Also, Franzen side character. Into birding and Deeply Troubled About Modern Life And Uses Birding as Obvious Metaphor for Everything. 

She is fabulous.

You are not an attention hog, you are expressing difficult and complicated feelings that recent events have thrown into sharp relief. Whatever you planned to end yourself, never ever, ever (EVER) go through with it because there is no one else like you and once you are gone, all the great, interesting, and honest

I am totally heartbroken. Bourdain wasn’t perfect but, there is no doubt his passion for food and travel inspired so many others to do those exact same things.

I would watch that.....


THANK YOU! This. Yes.

Thank you, thank you for this wonderful, and above all honest, look at the life and work of Kate Spade.