Novel Solution

I loved her make-up, very fresh-looking and suitable to the ‘lightness’ of her dress.

Oh my Lord, Jars of Clay! I was all about Jars of Clay...and Petra, Newsboys, Audio Adrenalin, MxPx.

Next I’m going to read Catcher in The Rye, it’s about this this kid looking for gluten free bread in New York.

Like you, I will avoid all GOP nonsense and preserve the awesomeness of her White House visit.

I would read her autobiography in a hot minute.

Kids just know. What a precious photo.

Hurrah and congrats on your news! I will miss our divine First Lady and, much like you, I want to raid her closet. It has been a joy to watch this family grow and thrive. I’m sure you’ll be a great parent!

Least maternal person here and I still want to scoop him up for a cuddle, lightly boop his adorable nose, and play peek-a-boo. That is a lot of adorable for Monday morning.

Re; The Maleficent GIF = “ Oh look, its my face in past meetings minus the giant animated crow!” Good choice.

Hello, Palm Beach! I’m from Maryland originally and grew up with snow and school cancellations. I miss the snow a bit but, it is in the high 40s right now and it is bright and sunny and perfect right now.

I am in Orlando right now, been here for almost 3 years, I like this cold and windy weather....good for jogging. Anyway, I have yet to see a manatee in my time here and I need to change that. So many manatees, so little time.

I tip my manatee sized hat in your direction.


In the interest of universal harmony, may I offer the awesome cake my Mum made the other day.


*faints from the cute*

I like the way you think! *sends all the wine*

Everything you just said. Everything.

This. Yes. This. One of my greatest fears is being trapped or being stuck and money has played a HUGE part in liberation and....well, stagnating.

Oh my goodness, no I have not. It sounds awesome. I will see if YouTube has any clips.