Amen. I can deal with my debt because it has flung open career doors. I avoided the credit cards because a degree is more important than $500 high-heel leather boots.
Amen. I can deal with my debt because it has flung open career doors. I avoided the credit cards because a degree is more important than $500 high-heel leather boots.
Child of a single parent here. I am taking on my student loans and keeping them independent of my partners. My loans, my deal. Sure, household expenses will be shared but, we will also have separate accounts for personal purchases.
Considering I am the one with student debt, yes, someone will marry you. Mind you, it how you deal with debt that is least I would think so.
This may not be everyone’s idea of ‘skingasm’ music but, I love this piece and always get the most wonderful,happy-sad feeling when listening. Enjoy. Also, Depech Mode’s ‘Enjoy the Silence’ and ‘Personal Jesus.’ For that almost indescribable tingle and nostalgia, I enjoy this.....
Happy 10th ! Best wishes and yes, great commentary.
Laugh tears. I have so many.
This happens only in my dreams. *sigh*
Oh my God you posted a Prisoner clip. EMBRACE THE BUBBLE.
Well, now I know what to wear while napping in my chic dystopian future.
Eh,you can never have too many cat photos.
Everything you are feeling is valid and nothing is your fault. As others below have said, you are strong, you should never be ashamed of what you are feeling, and , everyone associated with that theatre should be ashamed of themselves.
If you read this and imagine their actual voices it is....amazing and perfect. 1000 stars.
Awesome! Did not know that. Amandla is a gem. I look forward to hearing ( and seeing) more of this intelligent, amazing, articulate, and confident young women.
You know what I feel guilty about?
working out in full make-up and great hair!
Right on.
Those cheekbones.
Have a great time, you deserve it!