Novel Solution

I am glad I am not alone in my poisonous hatred of everything that comes out of her mouth. Schlafly makes me violently angry ALL THE TIME. She speaks, I want to throw something, she expresses an opinion, my soul dies.

I love you for posting this GIF.

Why did I put on mascara BEFORE watching this.

Hmm. Good Point. Green yoga pants are a possibility.....

Is it wrong that I really, really want the green outfit?

Narwhals are always important!

very elegant!

Wonderfully and heart-wrenchingly well-said.

Yes. In regards to the mirror or window, yes, sometimes. Not goofy at all really. I like to think that as long as we have had mirrors, we have always wondered about the 'world' within that mirror. Ditto any reflective surface. Sometimes, and this will sound silly, I pause when I'm brushing may hair or putting on


No,not you, really. It is not just you. Am more Scully then Mulder but oh sweet lord, those places had a vibe.

I know that house and I am so not surprised, not at all. My mum and I used to live in down town Rockville ( right around the corner from the big Regal Cinema and across from the metro) so, going through the historic area was an everyday thing really. Anyway, the...history of the area is not unfamiliar to me. I'm sorry

It is 1049 pm and I've just finished reading these. YEP. GOOD NIGHT TO ME!

I always order from my white slim-line telephone.

Congratulations on you wedding day! I wish you and your future spouse all the best of luck! I know your day has come and gone but, good wishes and awesome knit projects! I would love to knit and, despite being fairly ambidextrous and using creativity to wind down/sooth stressed head, am intimidated by all the needles,

You mean 'Battleship Pug-temkin?'

10,0000 points for you sir/madam. i can now retire from the internet...till tomorrow.

*Sigh* You are so spot-on it's depressing. I agree of is just grim how right you are.

Oh my sweet lord, she is adorable. All the capes! All the capes for Beatrix! What breed is she?

Wedding Hero Status Confirmed.