
I know all that*. I’m not blaming them; I was just trying to explain why some people might be. I’m sure the inspectors that were there feel terrible that they weren’t able to get the building either up to code or condemned before the fire but it’s definitely not their fault.

*Thanks “Hoarders”!

Yep. My husband works with some guys who lean libertarian. Whenever they start talking about deregulation and shrinking the government his go to response is that he prefers not getting e.coli and salmonella.

I think the main thing people are upset at the inspectors for is that apparently they showed up a few weeks ago, posted a sign on the door when they couldn’t get in, and didn’t return. Probably that’s protocol and they were going to come back around when they got back to that point on their list (I’d say it’s probably

Run for congress in 2 years? It seems to be one of the best ways to elect a minority or a democrat in a purple/red area.

Which is pretty much what they were counting on. At least they were using their powers for good :) .

They’re already on site. In fact it’s a little too coincidental that this came down right after they arrived.

Supposedly the University students will mostly have their own classes (another reason I don’t see how this is going to net much money for the school) so it shouldn’t impact the classroom setting much more than the ADP did/does. So far though all the PEG administration has had to say is the PEG will remain single sex

I’ve talked about this with my mom. No way would she have let me go to PEG if the campus was co-ed and I feel the same way about my daughter. (Fwiw I wouldn’t be willing for my sons to attend a co-ed school at that age either)

One of the things that we alumni are furious about is that many of us have been offering to help with recruiting for years and have been consistently blown off. We weren’t asking for much either, just materials to take to our local college fairs.

Well sure, but in a war zone when translating “famished” into another language that you’re not fluent in would you pull out the dictionary to find the exact translation of “famished” or would you default to “hungry”.

Seriously weird that people are questioning this. My just turned 5 year old is more than capable of the type of stuff she’s tweeting and has been for a while.

I donated yesterday when the total raised was only about 30k. I figured if it fell through that it would hardly be the worst way I’ve wasted $25 (for example I’ve definitely spent more than that on a bad perm).

As someone who grew up and still lives close to Fort Meade (and therefore knows a lot of people who work/worked for the NSA) I concur. A large percentage of people are convinced that the NSA is supposed to spy on American citizens domestically when in fact that’s the one thing they’re not allowed to do.

There are actually more like 29 different intelligence agencies. The FBI and CIA don’t have a lot of overlap though; the CIA only operates internationally and the FBI deals with federal and interstate crime on American soil.

Nope, it moved (again) to Thrillist where it is dying a slow and painful death.

This week’s was pathetic. I know I’m still reeling from the election but I didn’t crack a smile once.

One of the weirdest things to come out of the Trump nightmare is that I’ve started to like Lindsey Graham.

My guess would be that if the titer was done very close to the date of the bite you might be able to make a case but I wouldn’t count on it. That’s partially why I specifically said that “you should absolutely follow ... the legal guidelines for the rabies vaccine”. “Guidelines” was perhaps a poor word choice but I

Our pediatrician’s office asked all the families last year to either get vaccinated or leave the practice.

It’s dogs and cats. Difference is that there’s a ton of actual scientific evidence that we over vaccinate pets (most vaccine immunity lasts years longer than the recommended vaccine schedule) and that there’s a link between vaccines and tumors in pets. Vaccines are important and you should absolutely follow the