I used to teach pre-k and K so when my kids were gifted Candyland for Christmas last year I promptly “lost” it.
I used to teach pre-k and K so when my kids were gifted Candyland for Christmas last year I promptly “lost” it.
I love her so much but all that made me want to do was watch the original :/
Hoarders is too sad for that; see if you can find episodes of “Clean House” and try those instead. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_House
I tend to watch Hoarders when I need a cleaning kick in the pants (which usually is necessary when I’m coming out of a mild depressive episode). Turns out it works on my son too;…
Lots of hoarders on the show no longer have completely functional plumbing so they use a variety of techniques (bags, buckets, adult diapers etc) to manage toileting and since you legally can’t dispose of it in the trash and/or they just can’t cope with it the waste accumulates.
They find dead animals all the time so I completely believe this. I’m perversely glad that he was the cleaner on that episode; he seems like such a sweetheart.
I think my mother just crosses over the line from pack-rat into hoarding but mostly she doesn’t want to deal with cleaning. I have my fingers crossed that they’ll downsize soon and we’ll be able to get rid of most of the stuff then. Morbid as it sounds I really don’t want to be dealing with it after one/both of them…
It’s actually not the same effect as the protective effects of breastfeeding are not limited to its ability to suppress periods.
I’m glad that your 3 year old daughter has only been to urgent care once in her life but if we’re playing that game my 3 breastfed babies in a total of 14 years of life have only been to…
Yes, it is certainly more dangerous to formula feed in a less developed nation. That being said formula fed infants have higher rates of several common diseases in the first year of life. Also, the reduction in the risk of breast cancer both to mother who breastfeed and women who were breastfed is enough to make it a…
All I can say is that’s not the experience of the women I know who have received WIC.
You’re right about the claims that breastfeeding raises a babies IQ being questionable at best but I specifically said that it was a public health issue for moms and babies and said nothing about any of the other supposed benefits.…
Breastfeeding is a public health issue (for moms and babies) and the science is absolutely there. Also, WIC moms who breastfeed get more food because they need more calories to produce the milk; WIC moms who don’t breastfeed get formula instead. It has nothing to do with encouraging breastfeeding (something that most…
This is what I tell people all the time when they’re shocked that even though my oldest is on the spectrum he and his younger siblings are still fully vaccinated.
Slate (I think?) mentioned a poll like that but it was only 2%, not 16%.
I hope you did eventually get some sleep last night. After the debate I washed dishes, packed lunches for my kids, chopped up a bunch of carrots and potatoes to make stew today (that was at least mildly cathartic) and I still had to make myself a cup of tea and drink it while reading a trashy romance to calm down…
You could tell from the beginning that Ivanka and Melania were not happy from the expressions on their faces. The Clintons were at least pretending to have a relaxed conversation with each other and the Trumps were just sitting there.
My son really likes the coconut milk based ice creams. They used to be really hard to find but last summer I discovered that even Giant has a pretty big selection.
The ability to digest lactose begins to decline in a lot of people around 2-5 years old so it definitely could have hit a critical point at 8. Most of my husband’s family is extremely lactose intolerant and my oldest is as well so I’m on high alert with my dairy loving daughter who is about to turn 5.
Um, bedsharing with a 6 month old is completely normal as is not consuming dairy. I love milk/butter/cheese but I freely admit drinking the milk of another species is weird and unnecessary. Not vaccinating is a big no though.
See, this is why disaster prep is such a clusterfuck in America. In the case of an evacuation order Governors need to have the authority to shut all non-essential businesses down early enough that people can be bussed to safety.
I do that for a year after the mail forwarding service stops and after that it just goes in the garbage.
Seriously!? A month later and people are still making the same tired comment that I’ve already responded to multiple times!?