
Scorsese’s epic was undoubtedly one of the best films of the year.

Oppenheimer was an excellent long movie, that didn’t feel long.


I will put money that this full trilogywill be out and conclude before Winds of Winter is released. 

That just means it’s one that can sustain zero gravity and a harsh atmosphere while also serving cunt.

Again, a wedding is a family event so it’s not lying. Although you claim you’ll cancel the contract, I suspect you actually wouldn’t because if you’re really hard up as you say, then you’ll take some money over no money.

A wedding IS a family event so if you want to go for breach of contract, go right ahead.

“Champing” not “chomping”.


“Sorry about your divorce.”

Marion County got de-gerrymandered after Christina Hale almost beat Victoria Spartz in 2020. The state GOP saw the writing on the wall, they gave the north side of Indpls back to the 7th District, so Carson is our Congressman again.

I live in rural Indiana and also hate Rokita. Is not just an Indianapolis thing. I was ecstatic when he stopped being my ccongressman!

Indpls here. Todd Rokita is a piece of shit, and almost as hated here as Pence was. This was nothing but politics and Rokita’s attempt to win favor with the the ultra right wing base as he plans to run for Governor.

Trying to get comments on this site to load properly/efficiently should be on that subreddit lmao

It seems like the average Star Wars Fan’s complaint is that these shows just keep giving us more Star Wars and I really wish they didn’t take the time to show us all this new and different Star Wars and just showed us the Star Wars.

Who still says “FIRST” in 2023?

Yes, imagining that is exactly what I said I was doing in my last sentence.

You got to read Lauren Groff’s novel “matrix” if you have even half baked fantasies about joining a convent. A self sufficient fiefdom of female bespoke artisans…. I’m not gonna lie, it has appeal.

Try again.