I think they need to stop for 672 hours and re-calculate their pool. Did they get all their bonuses?
I think they need to stop for 672 hours and re-calculate their pool. Did they get all their bonuses?
It’s available on Amazon Prime Video through the end of this month, I’ll give it a watch!
I read “A Rage in Harlem” last year, good stuff from Himes. He crafts a fine setting.
Hate to see him go out on a miss, but yeah, am expecting he’ll hang ‘em up today.
Team CMOS 4 Lyfe! (I’m a publishing girl in a Chicago-style house; CMOS accepts both.)
I feel like the Ding Dong lost a certain je ne sais quoi when they were no longer individually packaged in tinfoil.
The only spelling word I “missed”* in all of fourth grade was “doughnut.”
Not podcasts, but audio dramas, some may also be interested: Check out Dark Adventure Radio Theatre, from the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society. Fantastic production values and a great voice cast! You can buy from their store, or find them on iTunes (search for Lovecraft Historical in their Audiobooks catalog).
They'll never look at CK because stadium sponsor Forrest Lucas is a good buddy of Cheetolini. And Jim Irsay isn't going to upset his sponsor.
Thank you for this! I’m happy to pay for valuable content.
The ex-husband of a girl I went to HS with killed their two teenagers and then himself, last year. Incomprehensible. Annihilator, indeed.
<— Colts fan
Ooh, prepping for the Colts article, which is gonna feature the following without question:
V-8 or pineapple juice
I would like to be selectively burgled. As in, I'm not sure what all is in this closet area or that drawer, so if someone would just come steal it, I wouldn't know what to miss! Gods, I have too much crap, it stresses me out.
The use of “who” vs. “that” is a lost art. And don’t even get me started on hyphenation.
Gold Box deals start at one price, but as they sell throughout the day the price will increase until they’ve sold through a set number of units that they decided upon for the Gold Box offer. Then the title will disappear from the box. It could be that if the Civ game was part of the box early this morning, it’s sold…
Gold Box deals start at one price, but as they sell throughout the day the price will increase until they’ve sold…
That first time was the only time I’ve ever gone with a green strategy. The group I was with, strangers at a FLGS, didn’t explain that the different stages had different cards, so I had no idea what a guild card was when it came around -- but the guy grabbed it before I even had a chance, so I guess it didn’t matter.…
That first time was the only time I’ve ever gone with a green strategy. The group I was with, strangers at a FLGS,…
This is a fantastic game, worth buying. So many ways to win, different every time. I have my favorite wonders (Halikarnassos B!) but appreciate the different strategies you can try, depending on what wonder and side you draw. (And there’s also a great app version, if you can’t get it to the table with other humans.)
This is a fantastic game, worth buying. So many ways to win, different every time. I have my favorite wonders…