
I recommend compression socks, for long flights. I generally keep a small backpack or a medium-sized purse with me at my seat, with the following: book, tablet, phone, charger, chapstick, ear plugs, headphones, snacks, water bottle, chewable Pepto tablets, ibuprofen, Kleenex, hand sanitizer. I always wear some kind of

Michael Harriot is an exceptional writer, master of both the art and the science.

Those were my dad’s formative years (a small-town Catholic), and he made me learn to write right-handed in the 70s-80s. My handwriting is garbage, and I’m ambidextrous.

Yup, that’s my local too

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear it, and hope the staff gets some training. Boo.

So my use of the four words “these scared white men” — which don’t even imply “all” men, which are not a generalization because they state exactly who the problem is, which reflect my actual and lived experience — have caused you to try to lecture ME on “a more thoughtful approach”??

I was just primary GM for three RPG sessions at Gen Con, and secondary for a fourth. And there are players who don’t want to listen to me because I’m a woman, who turn to my second instead. Or who balk at playing female or POC PCs. It’s exhausting. My group has been doing this for 12 years, so we’ve been around long

IND: Cafe Patachou (egg salad, omelettes, salads, broken yolk sandwiches) for breakfast/brunch/lunch, Harry & Izzy’s (filet sliders, prime rib sandwich, shrimp cocktail) for lunch/dinner.

Danielle Brooks is magnificent and heartbreaking. Taystee and Cindy made me so sad for each of them. And man, could see from far away that something was going to go sideways with Blanca, but didn’t know what — that was a gut punch.

Nope, I can't claim that one, this is my first mis-read in a very long time, ha

You know what, you are right, somehow I glossed the BASIC POINT OF THE ARTICLE, I am having a great day

Blot with paper towels?!? I put my condiments on the bun and then press the bun together briefly, to work them into each side of the bun — so basically I’m blotting one half with the other half. Then I open it up again and add the burger, lettuce, onion, etc. Paper towels sounds like craziness to me. :)

The soundtrack is spectacular. Marc Shaiman’s incidental music is wonderful, and the Michael Buble/Holly Palmer title song kicks off the Hudson/Day vibe perfectly.

Broad Ripple is home to a multitude of fratty douchebro bars like Kilroy’s. You can bet the necklace wasn’t the problem.

Am looking forward to seeing Sela Ward next week, it’s been a while. Am assuming she’s William’s wife?

Worth mentioning that START is the name of a nuclear/strategic arms reduction/nonproliferation treaty between the US and USSR. It wasn’t signed until 1991, but was initially drafted in the early 80s. The episode title works nicely as a parallel between that idea and the end of the Jennings’ work in the US, as well as