Books n' Beer

Thanks for the rec

Does anyone have a favorite scent from Victoria Secret? Is that even possible? I would prefer not smelling like I took a bath in vanilla extract.

That is gorgeous!

Damn, your brother should at least be sending you some money. Where is mom in all this, sounds like she is out of the picture. Do you know why niece is so ballistic about going back to dad?

I think I saw a brand new Stitch n Bitch that's out or coming out.

You read my mind, that is gorgeous!

I would love some recommendations for blogs, sites, ravelry links for knitting patterns for the beginner knitter looking to make something more interesting than a scarf in garter stitch. I feel overwhelmed with books, it is like there is no middle ground between easy-peasy scarf and omg these instructions are 4 pages

That's pretty bad. It looks like her head has been cut out from an OK! magazine and tapped onto a mannequin.

Steve Madden shoes and bath bombs? Girl, I received better gifts from my highschool boyfriend.

I would love to see this expanded to non-makeup boxes. I tried ipsy for 4 months over a year ago and still have makeup I'm trying to use up. But then I probably on put on makeup an average of 3 days a week. The glossy box sounds more like me, I do love exfoliaters and lotion.

I'm glad she's moved on, now the rest of the world needs to do that same. Isn't there any other musician that could take Chris Brown's place in the entertainment industry? I'm really disappointed that he is starting to show up in more and more places. Like I know it's been a few years since he smashed in Rihanna's This woman was emailed and told that some doilies would look "different". If she was concerned she should have requested a picture of the new doily design. She didn't do that, did she?

This woman is exactly what I pictured when I saw the words "Dallas bride", grow the fuck up. (I am from North Texas, I can say this) One, you paid $500 for invitations, already an idiot in my book. Two, it's a god damned doily on your invitations. Three, do you really think your guests are going to compare their

I have never equated a romantic relationship with friendship, they are two different beasts. So no, I would not want to be friends with an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband. They are exes for a reason, I didn't want them in my life anymore or they didn't want me. I go crazy when I hear women say they have their exes on

She might be well intentioned, but since she has a blog isn't she really just doing this for attention? And I'm pretty sure nobody has told her to maybe not go out in brownface because they want to see her crash and burn. Hard.

His Highness of Dork