They are all online now so no one checks them.
They are all online now so no one checks them.
Yeah. I think trade schools really should be just as supported and well acknowledged. This could extend to internships/apprentices. I think the notion that you need to expand past your field of knowledge is incredibly important, the way universities go about it, i.e. take 1 humanities class, isn’t right. What if you…
Unfortunately, some of what we do, such as library day, is required. I actually dislike that day, but we are forced to do this. Furthermore, we are very much *encouraged* to cater to the average student, most of whom don’t have the basic skill sets that gaonli point out. I remember teaching my first class and…
I am currently a young, female adjunct at a large (and well ranked) state university and I have several responses. I think we need to start a discussion between elementary, high school and universities because so many of the problems I see, stem from systemic logic that creates apathy from an early age.