Drama Nerd

Bernie will run again.  His ego is too big not to run.

Hell, Bernie supporters aren’t going to support Bernie this time around.

That is an astute analysis. He and Kamala Harris are the same though. Kamala just hasn't moved toward the center yet because she's trying to appeal to the democratic base which is lefties like myself. Shit isn't working though 

I am not for or against Schultz as I don’t know what his positions are on any issues. That said, I am open to considering his candidacy should he be on the ballot.

I’m not trying to downplay the seriousness of the Facetime bug, but I think you’re misrepresenting it. Privacy issues are most serious when a company knowingly sells your user data (especially not anonymously) for profit. The FaceTime bug is a BUG. It’s obviously not an intentional bug meant to profit Apple in any

You and others might be surprised by the amount of the U.S. map that has adopted some form of formal government measure intended to either criminalize the boycott or criticism of Israel, or simply effectively sanction all state businesses from ever having dealings or employment of an individual who has boycotted or

Remember that episode of NCIS where Eli David visits and is wounded in the attack on Leon Vance? And Liat castigates Ziva for not keeping Eli safe because she believes Israeli security procedures would have prevented this - to which Ziva bitterly responds, “Oh yes, because there is never any violence in Israel!!!!”

It’s largely in the tone and emphasis, but more importantly it’s in who they’re beholden to. Any Democratic candidate (at least at the Presidential level) is going to be far more beholden to at least giving some due to Democratic constituencies than this rich asshole ever will. He even made that abundantly clear, in

You are obviously talking to a crazy boomer who doesn’t even have a surface level understanding of politics.   Only a blithering idiot would think Bernie voters would vote for a billionaire who wants to make the rich pay less in taxes.    

The Clinton crowd supports this vapid, rich, dipshit. You motherfuckers know your own

Israel is not a Jewish State. It does not speak for, represent, or contain most Jews. It does not respect Jewish values or history. It is a colonial, genocidal project of European empires looking for plausible deniability after participating or refusing to intervene in the Shoah. Birobidzhan is a more Jewish State

“Don’t you all have a larger share of wealth than any other ‘minority’ on the globe” identifies Israel and Jews as one and the same while playing into (repulsive) traditional antisemitic tropes. The case against Israel rests wholly on its actions and identity as a settler ethnostate; Judaism and Jews as a people are

Congratulations. You sound like Steve King.

Israel is garbage because of its settler-colonial nature, not because “Jews are rich.” Don’t do Zionists’ work for them by conflating Israel and Judaism.

Colonialist ethnostate says what?

The relationship between the United States and Israel is a special one that is rooted in shared values