It won’t. Beto is a really good option to bring both factions of the left together. Booker is too, and he’s tough. We’ve got some real players in the crowd now and it’s a really good feeling.
It won’t. Beto is a really good option to bring both factions of the left together. Booker is too, and he’s tough. We’ve got some real players in the crowd now and it’s a really good feeling.
That is the best picture of Kamala I’ve ever seen.
Whoa hey there, how about we hug this one out? Just kidding. Hey I hear ya, I live in Boston and it’s not easy to commit to only running for real. The roads and sidewalks get pretty hairy in bad conditions. It’s not fun, and it’s scary sometimes, but that’s life for a runner. It’s part of who I am and I embrace it.
Is Peretti a vegan by any chance?
Treadmills do half the work for you and should be advertised as the lite option for those that want to claim they run. Nothing beats hitting the pavement with your Vibrams, except for cross country land routes. Not everyone has a decent nearby route though, and even fewer are willing to run that bitch in hostile…
He likely brandishes a shovel at groundbreaking events at his properties across the world. This is not the hill we should die on.
True story from a Facebook page I follow.
Your fantasies are your own business, but don’t pretend like Bernie’s essay wasn’t a scholarly examination of the female mind. Maybe try actually reading it next time?
“I supported Sanders but...”
As if we don’t already know the answer to your supposition.
No chance. Beto is the guy. Biden has way too many disgusting skeletons in his closet. Beto is a cleans slate that skates.
Agreed, except that if she hadn’t rigged the primaries Bernie would have won. That does seem relevant in my opinion.
Anyone who lives in this country, documented or not, is affected by the decisions of our government.
Sorry but this is a very patriarchal take on her, almost fatherly. We aren’t guardians. That implies that we have knowledge or expertise that she doesn’t.
Both Sidesists are never right.
She’s gonna prove all the haters wrong. And the best part? There are millions more just like her waiting to do the same.
Hold on, this is legit infuriating. So you’re telling me that the Republicans blasted Bill and Hillary Clinton for exactly this, saying it was proof of some grand pay to play scheme that never made any sense anyway but now because it’s their Southern Bell on the circuit it’s just dandy?
Are you really a girl or are you just saying that?
This is such a frustrating comment for so many reasons. I’ll give you just one though: