Drama Nerd

As someone who supported Bernie in 2016 and feels like we missed a huge opportunity, I honestly hope that Trump does jail her.  She deserves it for so many reasons. 

Hillary is the reason we have Trump.  Bernie would have smoked that orange bastard.

The biggest point of contention between Christianity in the West and Islam in the West is the interpretations of each religion’s sacred texts.  Where Christianity has adapted a modern interpretation of their scriptures to include a heavy dose of tolerance for words, actions, and people outside of their faith there is

He’s not a dumbass, and that’s why there is an all out effort to get rid of him immediately. He can self-finance a campaign that will be worthy of the fear and angst currently enveloping his potential announcement.

The truth is that nobody actually cares whether we get a border wall except for those that want it. Those that are opposed will never see it or care about it beyond its effectiveness in their talking points which will be blunted by time come 2020.

Good Morning,

I guess. Nobody will see my comment because it’s on an article about a league that nobody cares about. Both are invisible and aging without notice.

“The wealthy”... completely depends on your meaning of ‘wealthy,’ considering the entire goal of Obamacare was to tax young people by 1) forcing them to buy something they don’t need or 2) penalize them for not buying it in order to subsidize the older end of the spectrum.

What does this mean? Do you mean “Trump Lied About Obama”???

Kamala’s past as a prosecutor will be her undoing. She filled the jails in California. I can’t... that’s going to be hard to ignore.

Wait, what?  I honestly thought the MLS failed years ago.  Is the WNBA still around too?

I don’t show them any stats.

I just thought she had the best chance at getting a recount done. So all my donations to Bernie went to Hillary, $400 went to Jill, and all I got for it was a Trump.

TLDR - You will obviously not let this go. You are wrong, and that’s ok. Lots of people are wrong, some even cling to their wrongness and refuse to see any other viewpoint as you are doing here. Inflexible minds, they are called. You are like an AI program, there cannot be any deviation from your inputs.

Are you saying that the DNC will choose Kamala and Bernie will endorse her? Because I am saying that the DNC will choose Beto and Bernie will endorse him.

I actually donated $400 to her recount effort.  We all make mistakes. 

Pro Lifeism is the biggest canard in the conservative playbook. None of them are actually for ending abortion once you show them the stats. In fact, some of them flip immediately.

This is true.  Trump took a lot of wind out of his sails.  Bernie will run again, but only as a vehicle to throw votes at Beto.

The DNC, as you know..., is going to run Beto as the center-left answer to the Bernie-Hillary conundrum of 2016.  But it won’t work, and if you don’t know why you should revisit what did work in 2016 because only more of the same stands a chance against Trump in 2020.  Any objective observer realizes this.

The ONLY reason I’m watching the State of The Union is to see if RGB is there or not.