Drama Nerd

David Bowie came out as Ziggy Stardust as a way to relate his celestial travels with audiences of unaware. In a lost 1974 interview, Bowie claimed that he had been abducted by aliens as he slept and was held for over a lifetime. He recalled his abduction as a strange, though not scary, experience. He detailed the

Insofar as who they are representing it’s not untrue.  What do you think populism is?

If AOC wants to get primaried for sure, destroy that challenger, and cement her status as a leader of the left she should work with Trump on reigning in Amazon, Google, Facebook and every other Silicon Valley monopoly that traffics consumers as a product, treats non-exec employees as cattle, pays for legal

CPI Urban Index, which is the one the Fed uses, is not even close to a proper gauge of what people spend money on. It’s just a number used to justify actions. It means nothing.

Starred for being a genuinely funny comment.

Incorrect, but only because you don’t see the future as pro-privacy versus “You’re gonna LOVE our new megapixel smartphone with our 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 billion pixel screen!!!”

Tucker Carlson isn’t speaking to the oldies...

Obama fooled you. The wealth gap increased faster and to levels unseen since the 1930s as a result of QE and unchecked, unacknowledged inflation.

Absolutely cannot stand the puppy bowl.  It was alright the first time back when McNabb was playing Brady but it’s so tiresome now.  The novelty has completely worn off.  And I’m sure I’m not the only one who prefers cats.  By like a country mile.

That’s a fair point.  Hillary’s was a coalition of single issue voters that all shared a need to vote for the most likely outcome.  Without that shared assurance that they’re ‘doing the right thing,’ they may head off different directions.  Many will go to Schultz though, probably a lot of the men that can’t stand

Common sense is sourced only by those without it.

I was told in this thread that questioning anything beyond the most basic tenets of Zionism, and only insofar as it applies specifically to Palestinians, was off the table and beyond the pale.

I think that Bernie and Trump have a lot of shared ground when it comes to caring about the underclass. The big difference is their polar beliefs on immigration. So, yes hardcore conservatives might hate Bernie, but not with the Reaganite passion of the centrists.

Is there a specific poll you’re citing in order to claim Schultz is not Hillary-lite?

Not a vet, but I agree with this.

Not when it’s residential.

Baby Boomers who hate Bernie come in two flavors: Centrist Democrats and Centrist Republicans.  Not exactly Trump’s base.

If I’ve missed where Schultz makes clear he will not be using social issues in the same manner Hillary did then I am mistaken, but I don’t think I’ve missed that. And I don’t think he’s dumb enough to not use those issues even if, to him, they were used as pure leverage.

I’m just happy that their plan isn’t working, if your are being sincere in your comment.

Don’t pretend your day isn’t a giant time slot to kill.