
It's true. I was attacked by a swan when I was 8 years old.


UC of C! Hooray!

UC of C! UC of C! GooooooOOO UC of C!

Thanks for this. Am looking at my cube to see exactly how many personal items I have. Hmm .... more than I thought: three planters, four cartoons, one picture of spouse, 6 hand-crafted items (my own), 8 books (mine; nothing to do with work) .... OK! Time to purge!

Glad you made it out and your before-and-after username is teh awesome!

I couldn't read anything else after that. Thanks for posting the GIF.

Tom Hanks. That's good news.

As a 100% outsider, I assume that everyone in the Industry is a pretentious self-important jerk. Does your informant have insights into any that are nice people? I am totally curious, and thank you for posing.

YES! Folklore ROCKS!! (Making KISS-sequence rock n' roll hand signs).

I love the idea of "telling it like it is" and offering praise!

People use language imprecisely because thinking is hard work.

Beggar's Banquet?

Rolling Stones Song = Beggar's Banquet?

A Nervous Splendor by Frederic Morton is a wonderful book about the year leading up to Kronprinz Rudolph's suicide. Sisi, when she does appear, is very much the woman you've described in your article.

As a 70s teenager from the midwest, I concur and add What Parents? They were too busy self-actualizing or getting in touch with their feelings or grokking or quoting Fritz Perls ("I am not in this world to live up to your expectations etc.") or doing stuff with macrame or street theatre or taking Valium or struggling

Polished fossils are fantastic! Love me some smooth and glossy coral, like Petosky stones.

My favorite part (bolding is mine) " 'I will make sure she doesn't get another job in New York City. I know everybody,' he raged. 'The bar owners, the club owners — that's a terrible thing to write about somebody.' " What a stereotypicaly cliche a-hole statement and how it reeks of privilege: he manages hedge-funds,

I see what you did there. :^)

You need to leave. Your bosses have poor social skills, no interest in other human beings, and the business is on the road to eventual failure. They will keep doling out the crap until Heck freezes over, so there's nothing you can do to change them. If you can't afford to quit, pretend that you have taken on a new